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February 7, 2020 by Leanne

This week in Amy Johnson Crow’s 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks, the prompt is “Same Name”.

My father-in-law, William, was apparently named for his great uncle William Keetley according to some writing in his baby book about why he was given his particular name. The writing was placed there by his mother, Helen (Legare) Keetley. A picture of that writing can be seen below.

Did Helen mean “great” or “grand” uncle? Those terms have been recently debated on Facebook as to which is the correct phrase for which generation.

If she was referring to “grand”, what I would have incorrectly called “great” up until a few years ago, she would have been referencing a sibling of William’s grandfather.

If she was referring to “great”, she would have been referencing a sibling to William’s great grandfather.

I know of no connection to a William Keetley in this family. My father-in-law’s grandfather was Jesse and he is the only one that I have knowledge of so far. I do not know who his parents or siblings were.

Considering she wrote “Uncle” William first, and then corrected it to “Great” uncle, I am thinking that she was leaning towards a sibling of her father-in-law. Then she realized that she was supposed to be writing this from her son’s point of view, and corrected herself.

Unfortunately I have no idea what she actually meant, but it gives me hope that I can find a William Keetley somewhere in South Carolina, giving me new leads on this record-scarce family!

Last year I wrote about a possible family for Jesse (you can read about them here!). There was a William listed in that family so maybe that is a path to investigate next.

My next step would probably be to research that family a little more, and see if there are any connections to them in William’s DNA matches.

I am hoping for a breakthrough on this line this year!!


January 17, 2020 by Leanne

This week in Amy Johnson Crow’s 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks, the prompt is “Long Line”.

One of my husband’s lines descend from a very long line of Daniel Legare’s. This line of Legare has been in the U.S. since at least 1691. This is when Francois Legare and his 2 sons, Daniel and Stephen, were admitted into the colony of Massachusetts.

Another son, Francois Solomon Legare, had gone against his father’s wishes and married, he also came into the country around this time. This son is the one my husband descends from. He moved to Charleston County, South Carolina and started his family.

Solomon, as he was known, had at least seven children that I know of. One of these children were named Daniel. Was he named for Solomon’s brother? Was it a common name in the Legare family back in France?

Daniel Legare was born in 1708 and died in 1790. (You can read his will here). Daniel had a son Daniel (1737-1791) and his brother Nathan also had a son Daniel (1781-1854). It seems like there are at least 2 Daniel’s for each generation.

This line of Daniel’s comes all the way down to my husband, who was named after his great grandfather Daniel Legare (1888-1966), and several of his cousins, who also have the name , albeit with differing surnames.

The Daniel’s in our line end with my husband, and I am not sure how many are left in other lines!


January 8, 2020 by Leanne

This week in Amy Johnson Crow’s 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks, the prompt is Fresh Start. I tried to keep up last year, and fell behind but I’m hoping to do better this year.

This week I decided that the procrastinating I’ve been doing for the last several years is not working for me anymore. I am not getting any younger, I am finding more and more “stuff” that I really don’t need or use, and life would be much easier if I finally put my decluttering plans into action.

My husband bought me a new desktop computer for Christmas, so now is the perfect time to get started. I have created folders and started scanning papers in order to cut down on all the piles and boxes of paper I have been “collecting”.

I have decided to take the same action with my genealogy!

I will start with my genealogy do-over, (started by Thomas MacEntee @ Abundant Genealogy) which I have been looking into for several years.

I need to get my tree and DNA paperwork organized, as I have a hard time finding documents for my blog posts, and I have DNA messages that I still have not responded to due to a variety of reasons.

I will start putting my paper files together, so that everything is all in one place, and organized. All other papers will be sorted into surname folders, or thrown away. Then I need to start scanning and sorting photos.

Alot of these plans are part of the Do-Over process, so following those steps should help clean up most of the mess. I also hope to be adding to my blog more consistently, starting with adding some links to my favorite websites.

UPDATE – So my plan has already had an issue as we lost power due to a snow/ice storm. Power was out for some people for 8-10 days, luckily we got ours back around day 5. Now to catch up and get back on track.

Lastly, if you are one of the people that have sent me a message on DNA and I haven’t replied yet, please bear with me, I am getting back to you soon!! Thank you.

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