Gotta Find Them All!
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April 12, 2019 by Leanne

For Week 15 of Amy Johnson Crow’s 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks, the topic is DNA. This could have been a really long post once I got started writing, but I figured I would keep it short and simple.

I wasn’t really sure whether I should talk about the DNA matches I have worked with, or the amount of sleep I lose pouring over the results of my father-in-law’s test, trying to figure out his Paternal grandparents origins.

I decided to just lay down the facts of my results. The following are my results from AncestryDNA.

I have 53, 225 total matches and 522 4th cousin or closer. Out of all these matches I have only had time to figure out 29 matches. Guess I need to spend some time working on my genealogy for a change instead of my husbands.

In comparison, my father-in-law has 50,141 matches and 1,525 4th cousins or closer. I have figured out 39 of his so far. His paternal family from South Carolina has been difficult to research.

My mother-in-law, who has French-Canadian ancestry, has 49,871 matches and 3264 4th cousins or closer. I have figured out 75 of her matches so far.

Ethnicity Results 2018

The results above are from 2018 and show my ethnicities, which sound about right considering most of my family were from Ireland, England and Scotland.

Ethnicity Results 2019

Since Ancestry updated their reference samples you can see my numbers have changed slightly, although I’m mostly still English, Scottish and Irish.

As technology improves, and the data is recalculated, I expect my results to change again.

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