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Will of Daniel Legare Junior – Charleston County, South Carolina

October 1, 2019 by Leanne

Here is another “Treasure Chest Tuesday”.

In the name of God Amen, I Daniel Legare Junior of Charleston in the State of South Carolina being of sound mind memory and understanding, do make and declare this my last Will and Testament, in the manner following;

First, I resign my soul into the hands of Almighty God, hoping and believing a remifson of my sins through the Merits and mediation of our blefsed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and my body I direct may be buried in a plain unornamented cedar Coffin, and my funeral be conducted in a decent christian like manner, without any pomp or parade, or giving and distributing any thing for or by way of mourning, to say person who may be invited to attend.

And my Wordly estate I give and devise as follows, I order, direct, and it is my Will, that all that Tract piece or parcel of Land to me belonging, Situate lying and being on Charleston Neck, adjoining to the Village of Washington, and now by lease in the occupation and Tenure of Mrs. Elizabeth Dewees, at and upon the expiration of the said lease shall be measured and laid out in lots, according and conformable to the general plan of the said Village of Washington, and be divided and allotted by five indifferent impartial and reputable men, into Six parts portions or Shares as equal in Value as pofsible, and one sixth part portion or Share thereof I do give and devise to to my beloved Wife Elizabeth Legare, to have and to hold to her and to her heirs and afsigns for ever,

I also give and bequeath unto my said Wife Elizabeth, the Negro wench Flora, with her Two children Esther and Sylvia, the Negro Wench Chloe and One Negro Man, or boy as she may choose out of my Negroes, together with the future Ifsue and increase of above named female Slaves, to have and to hold to my Said Wife her heirs and afsigns.

I further give and bequeath unto my Said Wife Elizabeth, the Sum of Five hundred pounds Sterling, to be paid to her, as soon as it can be conveniently received, out of the Monies I may leave at Interest,

Also I give and bequeath unto my Said Wife all my household furniture, my riding Chair, and the choice of any One of my horses, I also give and bequeath to my said Wife the use of my House and land in Mazyck Street, for and during her Natural life, and in case of her death, before my dear Daughters Susanna and Mary attain the Age of Eighteen Years or Marriage whichever may first happen, and in case of the death of eighter either of my said daughters, before that Age and her Marriage then her Share of the said rents to go and remain to the Survivor, for her Education maintenance and use, untill the said age of eighteen Years or Marriage.

And after the death of my said Wife, and my said daughters Shall attain the Said Age of Eighteen Years or Marriage, or their decease if before that period, then I do order and direct that my Said House and land in Mazyck Street, Shall be sold by my Executors herein after named, and the monies arising from such Sale be divided equally among my Children then living, and the Child or Children of such of them as may be dead, such Child or Children to have his her or their parents Share.

I also give and bequeath the House wherein I now live in King Street, for the maintenance and use of my Said wife Elizabeth and daughter Susannah and Mary, for and unto the remainder of the Term it is Leased to me.

It is my Will, and I do hereby order and direct That all the Negroes, Stock, plantation Tools and implements of Husbandry, on my plantation at Wasmasaw, be kept together untill my Daughters Susannah and Mary shall attain the Age of Eighteen Years or their Marriage and the produce and profits thereof to be applied untill that period, for the maintenance and use of them and my Said Wife, and afterwards the same shall be divided equally among my said Wife and all my Children who shall be then living, and the Child or Children of such as shall be then dead, such Child or Children, to have his her or their parents Share only And in case my Said Wife should die, before my said daughters Susannah and Mary attain their said Age of eighteen Years, or their marriage, then her share of the produce and profits of the plantation aforesaid, to go and remain to my said daughters, or the Survivor, untill the said age of eighteen Years or Marriage.

In addition to what I haveheretofore given and advanced to my dear Son Solomon Legare, I do hereby give and devise unto him, One sixth part of my Said Tract piece or parcel of Land, adjoining to the Village of Washington aforesaid, to be divided and allotted as above directed To have and to hold the said Sixth part of my said Tract piece or parcel of land to my Said Son Solomon his heirs and afsigns for ever.

I also give and bequeath unto my Said Son Solomon, The Sum of Two hundred pounds Sterling to be paid to him as soon as it can be conveniently received out of the Monies, I leave at Interest.

I give and devise unto my dear daughter Rebeccah Wife of Mr Simeon Theus, one Sixth part of my Said tract piece or parcel of Land adjoining to Washington aforesaid, to be allotted and divided as above directed, to have and to hold the said sixth part of the Said piece parcel or Tract of land to my said Daughter Rebeccah, her heirs and Agsigns for ever.

I give and devise to my dear daughter Amey Wife of Mr. Enos Reeves, one sixth part of my said Tract piece or parcel of land adjoining to Washington aforesaid to be divided and allotted as above directed. to have and to hold to my said daughter Amey, and to her heirs and afsigns for ever.

I also give and devise unto my said daughter Amey a lot of Land in the village of Washington distinguished by the Number fifty three To her and her heirs and afsigns for ever.

I give and devise unto my dear daughter Susanna, one Sixth part of my Said tract piece or parcel of Land adjoining to Washington aforesaid, divided and allotted as above directed and also a lot of land in the said village of Washington distinguished by the Number forty one, To have and to hold the Said lot of land and the Said Sixth part of the Said tract piece or parcel of land to my said daughter Susanna and her heirs and afsigns for ever.

I also give and bequeath to my said daughter Susanna, a Mulattoe Girl Named Martha with her future Ifsue and increase, and also the Sum of Four hundred pounds Sterling to be kept and accumulate on Interest, untill my Said daughter Susanna attains the Age of eighteen Years, or her Marriage.

I give and devise unto my dear Daughter Mary, One Sixth part of my Said tract piece or parcel of land adjoining to Washington aforesaid, to be allotted and divided as above directed, and also a Lot of land in the Said Village of Washington distinguished by the Number Forty. To have and to hold the Said Sixth part, and the Said lot of Land, to my said daughter Mary and to her heirs and afsigns for ever,

I also give and bequeath to my said daughter Mary, a Mulattoe girl named Mary, with her future Ifsue and increase, and also the Sum of Four hundred pounds Sterling to kep’t and accumulate on Interest untill my Said daughter Mary attains the Age of eighteen Years or her Marriage.

And all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, and effects real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever, not hereinbefore otherwise effectually disposed of, (after payment of my debts, legacies, funeral expenses, and other charges and deductions as aforesaid) I give devise and bequeath to all my Said Children equally to be divided amongst them Share and Share alike, and to their heirs and Afsigns for ever, and in case any of my Said Children should die before me leaving a Child or Children then such Child or Children shall have his her or their parents Share, equally to be divided between them (if more than one) Share and Share alike.

And I do hereby constitute ordain and appoint my Said Son Solomon Legare my Said Sons in Law Simon Theus, Enos Reeves, and my worthy friends Josiah Smith and Edward Darrel Requires Executors, and my said Wife Executrix (during her Widowhood only) of this my last Will and Testament.

And I commit the guardianship of my daughters Susanna and Mary, untill they respectively attain the Age of Fourteen Years to my Said Son Solomon and the Said Edward Darrell and after my said daughters Susanna & Mary attain the said age, they shall be at liberty to continue their guardians, or choose any other in their Stead. And I do hereby revoke all former Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made, declaring this, to be my last Will and Testament. In Witnefs whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Twenty fifth day of May in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Six.

Daniel Legare Jun:r (LS)

Signed, Sealed published and declared by the Said testator as and for his last Will and Testament in our presence, who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other other have Subscribed our Names as Witnefses thereto, a small erasure being first made in the first line of this page

John Stevenson __________ Joseph Nesey __________ Stiles Rivers.

Proved before Charles Lining Esquire O.C.T.D. May 10, 1791. At same Time qualified Solomon Legare Executor.

Examined )

18 88 Co. Dh. ) C.L.

Recorded in Will book “B” 1786-93 Page 565.


July 26, 2019 by Leanne

The topic for this week’s 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks is Easy.

Since it helps me get caught up quicker, I am going to make this weeks post really easy on me. I am just going to list all the surnames that I have proven for my lines so far.


The names below are for my husband’s lines.


If you have any of these surnames, feel free to send me a message. Always looking to make new connections and meet new family members!

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