William Bee




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Will of Daniel Legare – Charleston County, South Carolina

February 18, 2020 by Leanne

This is another Treasure Chest Tuesday!


South Carolina to Wit. In the Name of God Amen in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Ninety. I Daniel Legare of Charleston in the State of South Carolina, being now of Sound and disposing mind and Memory do therefore now make my last Will and Testament and by these presents do utterly revoke and annul all and every other and former Wills and Publish and declare this and no other to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say,

1st I give and bequeath to my Loving Wife Frances Legare my House and Land in Trad Street No. 32 with the Back buildings and appurtenances belonging there unto her and her heirs and afsigns for Ever.

2d. I Give to my Wife Frances Legare the Use Profit and benefit of my House and Land where I now reside at Ansonborough with the Back buildings and appurtenances as fenced in Eighty feet Front and Two hundred and Thirty feet deep during her Life or Widowhood and no longer and after her discease or Mariage I give and bequeath to my Grand Son Daniel Legare the Son of my Son Nathan Legare deceased the House and Land where I I now reside with all the appurtenances with Eighty feet Front and Two hundred and Thirty feet deep to him and his heirs for ever but if he should die before herArrives to the Age of Twenty one Years then it shall go to his brother Nathan

3d. I give to my Wife Frances Legare all the Monies due to me upon Bonds and Notes with what Cash may remain in my house at my decease and one third part of the Interest due to me from the the Monies in the Treasury

4th. I Give to my Wife Frances Legare my Horse, Chaise and Chair my Cart Books, Cows plate and all my Household Goods and Furniture

5th. I give to my Wife all my Slaves and to be disposed of at her Death as I have directed her and my other Executor Joseph Legare xxx my Son.

6th. I give to my Grand Children all my Indents due to me from the Publick with the Interest due upon them equally to be divided amongst them Share and Share alike, except one third of the Interest of them to my Wife for her life or Widowhood.

7th. I give the use Profit and Benefit to my Son Isaac’s Widow Ann Legare the building he put upon the Corner of Anson Street with Eighty feet front and continuing the breadth upon George Street one hundred and fifteen feet during her life and no longer or Widowhood, After her death or Marriage I then give and Bequeath the Said House and Land to her Sons John Legare and Joseph Legare Eighty feet front upon Anson Street and one hundred fifteen feet upon George Street.

8th. I give and bequeath unto my Grand Son Nathan Legare a lot of Land adjoining to the lot last mentioned and westward of it one hundred and fifteen feet front on George Street and extending the Width eighty feet deep from said Street, but in Case of my Grand Sons Daniel Legare Death before he attains to the Age of twenty one Years then I give and bequeath the last described Lot so given to Nathan Legare of one hundred and fifteen feet front on George street and Eighty feet depth deep to my Grand Daughter Sarah McCalla to her heirs and afsigns for ever.

9th. I give and bequeath to my Son Joseph Legare Eighty feet front of my land at Ansonborough upon Anson Street joining to the Southward of my house and Two hundred and thirty feet deep next to Daniel’s land to him and his heirs and Afsigns for Ever.

10th. I Give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Doughty the Remainder of my Land on Anson Street Joining to the Society Wall and Two hundred and thirty feet deep to her and her heirs and Afsigns for ever.

11th. I Give to my Grand Daughter Mary Scott Fifty feet front of my Land at Ansonborough upon George Street where the Taby house stands and the whole depth of the Land back to the Society wall at her day of Mariage or at the Age of Twenty One Years to her and her heirs and Afsigns for ever, but if she should die before Mariage or the Age of Twenty one Years, I then Give it for a Parsonage for the difsenting Church in Meeting Street and Lastly I do hereby Nominate constitute and appoint my Son Joseph Legare and my Wife Frances Legare Executor and Executor and Executrix if this my last Will and Testament and Publish and declare the same in the presence of the Subscribing Witnefses, Signed, Sealed, Published and declared by Daniel Legare and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in the said Testators presence and at his request have hereunto Subscribed our Names this Sixteenth day of July 1790.

Daniel Legare (LS)

Samuel BeachMary Lamboll ThomasEliza Lamboll Thomas

A Codicil to be aded to and made a part of the last Will and Testament of Daniel Legare the Elder of Charleston in the State of South Carolina this Sixth day of December in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Ninety. Whereas I have by my last Will and Testament bearing date the Sixteenth day of July in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Ninety Given and bequeathed unto my Grand Son Nathan Legare lately deceased a Lot of Land adjoyning the lot given to Ann Legare the Widow of my Son Isaac, being to the Westward of the same Containing One hundred and fifteen feet front on George Street, and extending that width Eighty feet deep from the said Street with a Reversion thereof to my Grand Daughter Sarah McCalla, and to her heirs and afsigns for ever as will more fully appear by my said last Will and Testament now my Will in Respect of the Said Lot of Land so as aforesaid Given and bequeathed to my Said Grand Son Nathan Legare, and to my Grand Daughter Sarah McCalla, is and I do hereby Give devise & Bequeath the same and every part thereof with the Rights, hereditaments & appurtenances thereto belonging unto my Daughter in Law Ann Legare the Widow of my late Son Isaac Legare for and during the Term of her Natural life, and from and immediately after her Death then I do hereby Give and Bequeath the Said Lot of Land and Premifses unto her Two Sons John and Joseph Legare to be divided equally between them Share and Share alike to hold to them and their heirs and Afsigns for ever as Tennants in Common and not as Joint Tennants In Witnefs whereof I the said Daniel Legare have to this Codicil made as and for a part of my last Will and Testament hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and Year first above Written being contained on three Sides of one Sheet of Post Paper.

Daniel Legare (LS)

Sealed Signed Published and declared as and for a Codicil to the Last Will & Testament of Daniel Legare the Elder the Words (lately deceased) in the first page being first obliterated In the Presence of us.

Joshua WardJoseph BeeWilliam Bee

Proved before Charles Lining Esquire O.C.T.D. March 29.1791/ At same Time Qualified Joseph Legare and Frances Legare Executor and Executrix.

Examined )

89 )

13 Co. Sh. ) C.L.

Recorded in Will book “B” 1786-93 Pge 548 [pg. 846-849 written]

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