Gotta Find Them All!
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January 8, 2020 by Leanne

This week in Amy Johnson Crow’s 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks, the prompt is Fresh Start. I tried to keep up last year, and fell behind but I’m hoping to do better this year.

This week I decided that the procrastinating I’ve been doing for the last several years is not working for me anymore. I am not getting any younger, I am finding more and more “stuff” that I really don’t need or use, and life would be much easier if I finally put my decluttering plans into action.

My husband bought me a new desktop computer for Christmas, so now is the perfect time to get started. I have created folders and started scanning papers in order to cut down on all the piles and boxes of paper I have been “collecting”.

I have decided to take the same action with my genealogy!

I will start with my genealogy do-over, (started by Thomas MacEntee @ Abundant Genealogy) which I have been looking into for several years.

I need to get my tree and DNA paperwork organized, as I have a hard time finding documents for my blog posts, and I have DNA messages that I still have not responded to due to a variety of reasons.

I will start putting my paper files together, so that everything is all in one place, and organized. All other papers will be sorted into surname folders, or thrown away. Then I need to start scanning and sorting photos.

Alot of these plans are part of the Do-Over process, so following those steps should help clean up most of the mess. I also hope to be adding to my blog more consistently, starting with adding some links to my favorite websites.

UPDATE – So my plan has already had an issue as we lost power due to a snow/ice storm. Power was out for some people for 8-10 days, luckily we got ours back around day 5. Now to catch up and get back on track.

Lastly, if you are one of the people that have sent me a message on DNA and I haven’t replied yet, please bear with me, I am getting back to you soon!! Thank you.

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