Gotta Find Them All!
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May 29, 2019 by Leanne

This week in Amy Johnson Crow’s 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks post, the prompt is “At the Cemetery”.

On 15 June 2012, my husband and I decided to take our children on a road trip to see his Aunt in Minnesota. Most of his maternal lines were from Minnesota so he reluctantly let me plan our trip so that we could stop at some of the cemeteries along the way.

We learned alot about what we should bring with us, that of course, we did not bring with us on this trip. Next time I’ll definitely be better prepared!

One of the cemeteries we stopped at is known by several names, Mau Memorial Cemetery, St. John’s Lutheran Cemetery (old section), and Norwood-Young America City Cemetery.

At this cemetery I only found one of the 5 headstones I was looking for. Since then, other people have found and taken photos of the other four I didn’t find.

Sophie M. Buescher headstone

Sophie M. Buescher was born 13 September 1868 in Minnesota, to Ernst Buescher and Maria Louisa Huge.

According to the Minnesota death records for Carver County, she died on 26 March 1894 in Young America, Carver County, Minnesota. Her cause of death was Dropsy. She never married and was only 25 years old when she died.

Sophie Buescher death part 1
Sophie Buescher death part 2

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