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July 12, 2019 by Leanne

This week in Amy Johnson Crow’s 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks, the prompt is “Reunion”.

I have only been to 2 family reunions growing up. The Chislett and the Absalom families.

The Chislett family reunion took place in 7 March 1982 at the Allansford Recreation Reserve. The Chislett Story, was written before the reunion.

The Chislett Story

The Absalom family reunion took place on 25 November 1981-82 in Mortlake, Victoria, Australia. I know that after the Absalom reunion my great grandfather, William, decided to write a book about the family after having been asked many questions.

In The Shadow of the Mount

Unfortunately I do not remember much about either reunion, as I was only about 10 years old and I just spent the day hanging out with my cousins, having fun.

I have both books in my possession which has given me a lot of information to help me with my genealogical research.

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